Focus Areas

Food Security and Nutrition

Project: Wezesha program in Kajiado County, Kenya

AIS works towards transformation of sustainable and inclusive agrifood systems that are more resilient, delivering lower cost of nutritious food and affordable healthy diets for all.

Farmer Field School Model – Demo farm

AIS has set up a 7-acre demonstration farm in Kajiado County that is used to showcase best agronomic practices through practical training and consequently spur adoption among smallholder farmers. The program is supported by Safaricom Foundation and GIZ EndDev program. The farm hosts demonstration plots, cultivated in collaboration with private sector partners and the Ministry of Agriculture.  The smallholder farmers are linked to value chain actors in organized training and field days, who provide them with agricultural products and services.
The model has successfully established sustainable smallholder farmer integration and fostered adoption of improved practices. AIS aims to replicate this model for different crops and in various locations in its smallholder farmer engagement activities.

AIS Farmer Field School has:

  • Demonstration plots set up in collaboration with value chain actors showcasing different improved agricultural technologies and practices and agronomic practices for
  • Hosts field days to link farmers to access agricultural products and services.
  • Agribusiness incubation hubs for women and youth.
  • Commercial farm for smallholder farmer practical training and contracting for tut grower schemes.
  • Capacity building and practical on GAP, CSA, Nutrition and improved technology
  • Linkage to value chain actors for products and services Out-grower management including farmer contracting for specified markets.
  • Business development training and mentorship